The Effects of Consumerism

 How aware are you of the effects consumerism has on the environment? What do you know about it?

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  1. The 5.6 billion consumers in the world by 2030 will result in a massive increase in the demand for energy, food, electronics, clothing, transportation, housing, furniture and so on. Some of the consequences of the increased demand are pretty spooky…

    No more rainforests
    No more water
    No more dish in the ocean

  2. The negative effects of consumerism include the depletion of natural resources and pollution of the Earth. The way the consumer society is working is not sustainable.

  3. The main negative effects of consumerism are: more pollution, a major contributor to resource depletion and it leads companies to develop low quality products.

  4. The negative effects of consumerism include the depletion of natural resources and pollution of the Earth. The way the consumer society is working is not sustainable. We are currently overusing Earth’s natural resources with more than 70 percent.

  5. The negative effects of consumerism include the depletion of natural resources and pollution of the Earth. The way the consumer society is working is not sustainable.

  6. I think, consumerism it’s not good for us and for our planet because it is causes more polution.Also consumerism lead companies to develop low quality products.

  7. One of the biggest negative aspects of consumerism is the pollution. Throughout the 20th century, the pollution level increased and spread around the world as factories moves to regions of Asia.

  8. The number of consumers on Earth is increasing rapidly each year and the consequences of this are: depletion of limited natural resources, pollution, a lower amount of drinkable water and many others.

  9. Consumerism causes negative effects among society by leading companies to develop low quality products and does not necessarily lead to increased happiness beyond a certain point.

  10. The consumer society is run as a linear system that basically transforms resources to waste. There is only so much “ nature “ to use and such a system will inevitably collaps .

  11. Consumerism has a lot of negative aspects, but I think the pollution and the low quality products that companies leads are the most important.

  12. One of the biggest negative effect of consumerism is the pollution and the overuse of the natural resources of the Earth!

  13. There are four main negative aspects of consumerism that include: more pollution, leading companies to develop low quality products, promoting poor labor standards and payment for workers, leading companies to develop low quality products. Consumerism is also bad for small industries which actually value the quality of their products. The environment is affected due to increased level of pollution from this factories.

    1. In my opinion, some of negatives impacts of consumerism are it changes the moral fabric of society, consumerism encourages debt, it leads to health problems and the poor are always left behind by.

  14. The negative effects of consumerism are :
    -Causes more pollution.
    -Promotes poor labor standards and pay for workers.
    -Does not necessarily lead to increased happiness beyond a certain point.

  15. Consumerism is bad for the planet because these products are cheap to buy and cheap to make. Usually,they end up in landfills to degrade and destroy the water and soil “system” as well as contribute to global warming.

  16. Consumerism increases debt levels which in turn results in mental health problems like stress and depression. Trying to follow the latest trends when you have limited resources can be very exhausting to the mind and body. Consumerism forces people to work harder, borrow more and spend less time with loved ones. Consumerism gets in the way of fruitful relationships.

  17. the first negative effect of consumerism is the depletion of resources. More specifically, the depletion of resources is about the idea that human beings use resources on earth as an increasing rate.
    the second negative effect of consumerism as a system is that it can have devastating effects on the environment

  18. Consumerism is based on the idea of ​​an exaggeration of the consumption of goods and services by people. This leads to negative aspects: pollution and faster depletion of resources.

  19. The biggest problem with consumerism is the fact that people do not realize that there is a problem. A negativ effect of consumerism is over-dependence on labor-saving devices and consumerism is also depleting the natural resources of the respective country.

  20. The main negative effects of consumerism are: more pollution, one of the main contributors to the depletion of resources and leading companies to develop low quality products.

  21. Consumerism has many negative effects such as: it leads to mental health problems like depression and stress; it also leads to an increase of pollution, being this the reason for depletion of resources but also for companies to create low quality products; and the environment is affected by the amount of pollution that is released from the factories.

  22. There is no denying that consumerism is destroying our planet. It is causing an absurd amount of pollution and causing natural resources to become more and more scarce. It seems that we buy things compulsively without thinking about the consequences. Therefore, we must change our attitude and adopt sustainable practices. I mean act now or never right?

  23. In my opinion, consumerism is at the root of several problems, mainly environmental ones. Its effects are noticeable in terms of pollution, global warming, etc. However, I believe that one of the biggest problems of consumerism is the incentive to buy “fast fashion” products, which are associated with poorly paid workers in precarious conditions, in addition to enormous waste and consequent pollution of the environment.

  24. The negative effects of consumerism could fill a whole book, but the most impactful are probably: the pollution it causes on the planet and the depletion of resources it brings.

  25. In my opinion, consumerism has taken over our lives and we are all convinced that the problem with consumerism habits is not there but in fact, it’s our guilty pleasure and nature destroyer. All the waste that takes up our space while buying so many unimportant things one day leaves our room or house and gets to nature trying to fall apart leaving millions of pieces of microplastic that can end up in the ground, water, animals and even our bodies. Consumerism is such a small word with a big and important meaning that we all have to find out. Consumerism and consumerism habits are very important things whose power is in our hands. The negative effects of consumerism such as pollution, bad shopping habits, finantial, living, mental problems etc. should not take over our lives and our Planet and we have to become as sustainable person as we can.

  26. The main problem of consumerism is fast fashion, companies make low quality clothes and products that most of the time get thrown away after a few uses and polute our planet. There is so much trash in our oceans because of polution and consumerism and most of the water isn’t clean and drinkable.

    1. Don’t you think that we, as human beings, can buy second-hand clothes and that we take new clothes just because we want to impress others, to be in tune with fashion, or because our ego does not want to accept that buying clothes from there doesn’t mean you don’t have the money to afford “cool” clothes?

  27. There are about 8 billion people in the world and just think about how much you consume and then multiply it with 8 billion, how much waste that is.It affects our planet too much we buy omething and then after, we throw it out and to us its gone, but to planet it’s still there and it is polluting it.

    1. Indeed! There are over 2.000 tons of waste already transported in Europe, as in 3.2 tons per habitat/country. It’s because of how much is bought and then thrown away. There are also the beaches to where you have no where to step in with how much trash the waters bring to surface.

  28. The negative effects of consumerism include the depletion of natural resources and pollution of the Earth. Currently we are overusing Earth’s natural resources.

    1. Exactly! We are used to destroy the beautiful nature for us when we can use it in a good way. For example, we can start to reuse clothes, materials, etc., we can plant trees in parks, and we can stop ripping papers for nothing. There are so many solutions to help the environment and at the same time, us, but we choose the “easy” way for it, and that is destroying

  29. The most inpactful negative aspect of consumerism is pollution. One of the more noticable environmental effects of consumerism is the global warming we are all facing. It is destroying our planet, we can see that in the lack of natural resources and that also leads to companies creating low quality products and selling them for way more than they’re worth. People are buying products whether they need them or not, and it all circles back to pollution and the whole process starts again.

  30. In my opinion, consumerism is at the root of several problems, mainly environmental ones. Its effects are noticeable in terms of pollution and global warming. There is no denying that consumerism is destroying our planet.The biggest problem with consumerism is the fact that people do not realize that there is a problem.
    The negative effects of consumerism are :
    -causes more pollution
    -promotes poor labor standards and pay for workers

  31. Consumerism has negative affects to the environment in various ways, such as producing waste that goes into the environment or changes the structure of natural ecosystems. Also, consumers buy more clothes every year, which creates large quantities of waste that ends in landfills. Besides, the fashion industry is the second largest consumer of water in the world and produces 20% of wastewater.

  32. Consumerism is something that has taken over our lives and probably is one of the main reasons for environment problems. Think about all of the waste that we have in our houses, we are buying products that we don’t need but want and that is one of the cause for bad environment.

    1. I agree! Consumerism is dangerous. I consider it a new disorder people have because they buy to feel better mentally and with themselves and they don’t realize how bad they’re doing to the planet.

  33. I think that he negative effects of consumerism include the depletion of natural resources and pollution of the Earth. The way the consumer society is working is not sustainable. We are currently overusing Earth’s natural resources with more than 70 percent.

  34. As well as obvious social and economic problems, consumerism is destroying our environment. As the demand for goods increases, the need to produce these goods also increases. This leads to more pollutant emissions, increased land-use and deforestation, and accelerated climate change.The negative effects of consumerism include the depletion of natural resources and pollution of the Earth. The way the consumer society is working is not sustainable.Recent study shows that we are currently overusing Earth’s natural resources with more than 70 percent.All of the rubbish we produce by purchasing so many pointless products eventually leaves our room or house. Millions of microplastic particles can end up in the environment, water, animals, and even our bodies. So it is important that everybody knows about this, because future is on us.

  35. These days, all the products and goods we need are at our fingertips, from the most basic to the most sophisticated. Society’s present economic system is linear, based on the extraction of raw materials, manufacturing and production, distribution and buying, and ultimately discard. As such, the linear consumption model is unsustainable in the long term – and the solution lies in governments, companies and citizens transforming the economy. Many people are already working in a circular economy, but we need to keep innovating to achieve a sustainable planet.

  36. The modern society of consumerism and rampant ‘development’ is destroying our world. The biggest problem with consumerism is the fact that people do not realize that there is a problem. We are already consuming resources at an alarming rate and quicker than our planet is able to replenish.
    It is obvious that we need to reduce consumerism and change our current lifestyles, otherwise the planet we know will cease to exist.

  37. There are many people in the world even though we are not aware of it.Unfortunately consumerism affects the environment.I believe that one of the biggest problems of consumerism is fast fashion.Such as the trend of my jeans or ripped jeans.All these trends will pass and the environment will continue to be polluted. I think we should send a loud message to the world about this problem.

  38. I think that consumerism is bad because of many things, and it is excessive pollution of the environment by piling things up in warehouses. The goal of consumerism is to strive for
    material and that is why I consider it bad, Consumerism is simply today’s modern society.With obvious economic problems, consumerism is destroying our environment. The demand for goods is greatly increasing, and the need for the production of these goods is increasing. This leads to deforestation and the use of large tracts of land,which of course is not good for our ecosystem.

  39. The huge rise in resource consumption in wealthier countries has led to an ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. As the age old saying goes, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”Now, if we look at some areas of spending, we can see that our society has serious problems. It is estimated that every year, Europeans spend $11 billion on ice cream – yes, ice cream! This is nearly enough to bring education to every child on the planet. Twice. However, this should come as no surprise, since consumerism implies exactly that – using as much as we can, rather than as much as we need.

  40. Consumerism takes natural resources and pollites the Earth. Consumer society work is not sustainable. We are currently overusing Earth’s natural resources with more than 70%. 5.6. billion consumers in the world will by 2030 result in a massive increase in need for food, clothing, transportation and so on.

  41. Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts.
    Consumerism is the idea that increasing the consumption of goods and services purchased in the market is always a desirable goal and that a person’s wellbeing and happiness depend fundamentally on obtaining consumer goods and material possessions.Laws and rules that protect people who shop and spend are examples of consumerism. An obsession with shopping and acquiring stuff is an example of consumerism.

  42. As well as obvious social and economic problems, consumerism is destroying our environment. As the demand for goods increases, the need to produce these goods also increases. This leads to more pollutant emissions, increased land-use and deforestation, and accelerated climate change. It is obvious that we need to reduce consumerism and change our current lifestyles, otherwise the planet we know will cease to exist.

  43. These days, all the products and goods we need are at our fingertips, from the most basic to the most sophisticated. Society’s present economic system is linear, based on the extraction of raw materials, manufacturing and production, distribution and buying, and ultimately discard. As such, the linear consumption model is unsustainable in the long term – and the solution lies in governments, companies and citizens transforming the economy. Many people are already working in a circular economy, but we need to keep innovating to achieve a sustainable planet.

  44. Depending on how it comes to be, consumerism can, of course, be threatening the environment. If you consume much without reusing then you aren’t helping the environment. I think instead of consuming less, even though it does help, we buy more recyclable and reusable materials.

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